American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists
ACOG is dedicated to the advancement of women’s health through education, practice, research, and advocacy. ACOG provides an online physician directory as well as patient education materials on gynecologic cancer. Phone: 202-863-2518; Email: resources@acog.org
provides free professional support services, including counseling, education, financial assistance and practical help to people across the country. Services are available to people of all ages, with all types of cancer and at any stage of the disease. Phone: 800-813-4673; Email: info@cancercare.org
FORCE - Facing Hereditary Cancer
FORCE improves the lives of the millions of individuals and families facing hereditary breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, colorectal and endometrial cancers. Our community includes people with a BRCA, ATM, PALB2, CHEK2, PTEN or other inherited gene mutation and those diagnosed with Lynch syndrome. We accomplish this through our education, support, advocacy and research efforts.
Foundation For Woman's Cancer
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing research, education and awareness about gynecologic cancer risk, prevention, early detection and optimal treatment. The FWC is the official foundation of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO)
Grace's Garden
GRACE'S is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization offering support to women of Central New York who are affected by gynecologic cancers. Our goal is to provide emotional and social support, as well as engage in community activities which promote increased attention to the prevention and early detection of these cancers. We are survivors sharing our own experiences, strengths and hopes. We hold regularly scheduled, monthly support group meetings which are led by a facilitator/survivor and oncologic registered nurse. Meetings are informal and relaxed with light refreshments provided. Contact Info: http://www.gracesgarden.org/contact.html
The Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the formulation of early diagnostic treatment programs and research aimed toward the ultimate conquest of ovarian cancer. As OCRA strives to find a cure, it also seeks to support patients and their loved ones, raise public awareness and provide educational resource materials. The Alliance group is the main advocate office in Washington, DC for federal legislation, policy, funding, programs and support of ovarian cancer research on detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Details: https://www.ocrahope.org Contact info: https://ocrahope.org/about/contact/
National Cancer Institute
Cancer.gov is the central website for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research. NCI is mandated by U.S. law to disseminate information about cancer and cancer research. This website serves as an important means to achieving that mission.
Office on Women's Health
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office on Women's Health (OWH) was established in 1991 to improve the health of U.S. women by advancing and coordinating a comprehensive women's health agenda. During the early 1990s, OWH focused on developing women's health as a specialized issue for government action and attention alongside efforts by partner organizations. These issues included research, health care prevention and service delivery, public and health care professional education, and career advancement for women in health and scientific careers.
Patient Advocate Foundation
his national non-profit organization serves as an active liaison between patients and their insurer, employers and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention and/or debt crisis due to their diagnosis through case managers, doctors, and attorneys. The Patient Advocate Foundation seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation to ensure access to care, maintain of employment and preserve financial stability. Phone: 800-532-5274
Roswell Park Ovarian Cancer Registry
Roswell Park’s Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry is a unique resource dedicated to advancing critical research necessary to find better ways to detect, treat and prevent ovarian cancer
is a not-for-profit organization providing information hotlines for breast and ovarian cancer survivors in English and Spanish, peer-led support groups, and wellness, education and advocacy programs. It contributes to awareness regarding prevention, early detection, and research. Address: 1501 Broadway, Suite 704A, New York, NY 10036; Phone: 212-719-0364; Toll-free number: 866-891-2392;
The SGNO is an international organization of nurses and health professionals dedicated to the advancement of patient care, education and research in the field of gynecologic oncology and women’s health care. Address: 6024 Welch Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76133; Phone: 800-446-3180
The Society of Gynecological Oncologists
SGO is the leading organization of gynecologic oncologists in the U.S. Its purpose is to improve the care of women with gynecologic cancer by encouraging research and knowledge to raise the standards of practice in the prevention and treatment of gynecologic malignancies in cooperation with other organizations interested in women’s health care, oncology and related fields. Address: 230 West Monroe Street, Suite 710, Chicago, IL 60606; Phone: 312-235-4060; Email: sgo@sgo.org
13Thirty Cancer Connect
The mission of 13thirty Cancer Connect, Inc. is to help adolescents and young adults (AYAs) impacted by cancer live their very best lives – today! Our resources help AYAs enhance their coping skills and self-esteem by building satisfying peer connections, learning to self-advocate, and developing effective self-management tools for long-term health. 13thirty Cancer Connect, Inc. is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization established in 2001 following the death of Melissa Sengbusch who was 19 years old when she died of acute myeloid leukemia.
The Wellness Community
The Wellness Community (TWC) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing free support and education for people with cancer and their loved ones. TWC helps people affected by cancer obtain vital skills to regain control over their lives, reduce feelings of isolation and to restore a sense of hope. Address: 919 18th Street, NW, Suite 54, Washington, DC 20006; Phone: 888-793-WELL; Email:help@thewellnesscommunity.org;
Woman MUST know, there is no screening test for Ovarian Cancer and it will not be detected in your GYN exam. You must know the common early symptoms, act quickly if these symptoms persist.​